Friday, August 26, 2011

News from FMEP

Fathers Battling Injustice

News I got from FMEP

Posted By: Cassandra
Date: Thursday, 29 January 2009, at 2:16 a.m.

The FMEP in BC have stated to my local MLA's office this week information and the MLA's office emailed me this info and I think its really important for the men who are stuck paying for children that are not biologically theirs.

Stated to me in a email was this:

"They feel they have enough on this file to stop the payment at this point. I suspect they will not make any further payments until proof of DNA testing to prove he is the father comes forward. " Thats what the FMEP said and then this:

"The FMEP folks feel that this is a man who has been paying for a child that is not his and that is not what the FMEP is all about. They are there to collect money from biological fathers unless a surrogate father willingly chooses to pay."

Notice they said willingly chooses to pay. I highly suggest you guys contact the FMEP to confirm this and let media know about it.

In my case I always said the payor wasnt the father, he insisted he was. Even now 20 yrs later he insists hes the father but bc I told the FMEP he wasnt the father even though a judge ordered support to be paid (told judge same thing..not the dad 20 yrs ago) they (FMEP) now refuse to enforce the court order stating what they have above that I posted here to you.

This is for the benefit of all you guys who are being made to pay support for children that ARE NOT yours. The FMEP IS STATING YOU DONT HAVE TO PAY THE COURT ORDERED CHILD SUPPORT FOR A CHILD THAT ISNT YOURS!

I have been fighting with them to enforce my 2 support orders for the last 2 yrs..they never bothered at all before and I was fed up. They have lied and are contravening the Family Relations Act and they are not suppose to just arbitrarily change court orders.

Last week they told my 1 ex to hurry and file court docs against me to erase the arrears (only like 6200 left owing, no more payments left). Told me they gave him 2 weeks..already gave him 3 months and he hadnt filed in that time and this whole time they are witholding support payments to me (2700 worth). Then this week they decided since hes not the father he doesnt have to pay support and I'm not getting any monies. All the while hes still insisting hes the father and the judge said well then you pay.

So apparently all you have to say is you filed in court (but didnt)and send them a notice of motion and affidavit (but remember you dont need to file it) and they will stop all payments and enforcement and if that doesnt work just say you are not the kids father bc apparently contrary to the family law act they dont make you pay. They are screwed up and seriously need an overhaul. Everytime I filed a complaint against them they would lie or make excuses to the people I filed my complaints to. Hows that for our tax dollars at work??

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