Friday, August 26, 2011

Civil rights blog

I have just copied and pasted this from the front page of a great blog, I hope you go there and read it, I am only trying to give him more exposure... Things have got to change!!!!!




Canadian Charter of Rights

Human rights experts have considered the cases of child support orders in Canada for "children of the marriage" and find that these cases are politically motivated, and another example of a growing trend of authorities using the law to silence inconvenient opposition.

Join our forum and speak out against the abuses against men in Canada by the Canadian Judical System. Why against men because statistics show that the orders are 97% against men.

Contact us by emailing

Topics are illegal child support orders in the name of Children of the Marriage and unreasonable spousal support orders.

Nobody should pay child support for children of the marriage of for children that are not theirs biologically. This is a financial scam for women against men to collect extra money.

The Biological father should be the one forced to pay more if more child support money is required.

Paying child support in Canada for children of the marriage is illegal and immoral and should be outlawed. Just because the courts order it doesn't make it legal.

Stand up for your civil-rights and say NO!!!! I will not allow you to abuse my rights.

Unsubstantiated spousal support is an other illegal action by the BC-Canadian courts. All claims must be justified by documentation and not accepted by simple affidavits supplied by enraged a ex-spouse.

No one should be made to pay spousal support higher than ones substantiated income.

British Columbia and the Attorney General Wally Opal do nothing and allow polygamy and underage marriage in BC. 2008 (click here for article)

Manitoba AG goes overboard to have men jailed, reputations destroyed and all assets seized as well as outrageous fines for civil disobedience.
What does the Canadian Civil Liberties Association say about child support for children of the marriage. Nothing they won't respond. Does the CCLA not want to challenge any unpopular rulings that may affect their funding sources?.

If all men in Canada that have been ordered to pay child support for their non-biological children (Children of the Marriage) refused to pay then this atrocity of a law against men will go away. The prisons wouldn't be big enough to house them all. Men in Canada why don't you stand up for your civil rights? This is a nothing other than a government driven scam for women to collect money from men.

Child Support Billing Errors and/or Questionable Practices of Canadian Enforcement Agencies for the Canadian Children of the Marriage Law-Scam.

Would you please distribute this message widely to all interested individuals and groups: It is apparent from our correspondence with statistics Canada that there is no interest into disseminating this information. The Canadian law regarding children of the marriage is nothing other than a financial money grab for the benefit of women and supported by politicians and women's rights groups.

If you feel you have been ordered to pay child support that you believe you do not owe for reasons of Children of the Marriage Law, or you believe you have experienced a questionable practice by a enforcement agency in regard to child support payments, then (CRB) wants to hear from you.

Civilrightsblog (, a national nonprofit educational organization, is gathering nationwide information regarding child support billing errors and/or questionable practices of child support agencies in Canada.

Perhaps your credit report has been affected by the alleged child support arrearage or your driver's license or business license has been threatened with suspension. Perhaps your income tax refund has been intercepted or your bank account has been seized when you believe child support was not due. Or, perhaps you have been arrested or threatened with arrest due to what you believe is an error or questionable child support policy.

Maybe you believe your child support payment has been collected by the child support agency, is "stuck in the system," and has not been accurately distributed to the custodial parent.

If you are a custodial parent, perhaps you know that child support money has been paid into the child support agency by the noncustodial parent, but you believe that the collected child support is being held by the agency instead of being forwarded to the custodial parent and children.

There may be any number of scenarios in addition to the above. We want to hear your feedback.

If you have information that you feel would be of interest to regarding child support (children of the marriage), we would like to hear from you also.

Would you please contact the editor by sending an e-mail to:

IMPORTANT: Would you please enclose in your e-mail message to the following information? (All information will be kept confidential).

1. Your name (last name is optional), telephone number and e-mail address.

2. Your province and city in which you live.

3. The city, county, and province where your child support order is from, i.e., where you pay your child support to or your employer sends the garnishments to.

4. Description of your error or concern and the effect it has had on you and your family, including your extended family and your children.

5. Have you or someone you know been wrongfully arrested or threatened with arrest regarding child support? Please describe your experience.

6. Do you give permission to contact you at the e-mail address or phone number you indicated so that we may gather more information from you? Yes? No?

Thank you in advance for your responses to this message. Your help is greatly appreciated. Please note that personal responses to all of your messages will not be possible due to time constraints and the anticipated volume of responses, but all of your responses will be read and appreciated.

Please note: (CRB) is an educational nonprofit organization. We do not offer legal advice.

No! Canada

Alimony or spousal support for more than one year and child support for non-paternal children is a unconstitutional servitude against men.

The national anthem of Canada – O Canada! – states “true patriot love in all thy sons command” and that citizens “stand on guard for thee.”

“True patriot love?” Hardly.

“Stand on guard?” Absolutely, but not necessarily for the reasons the patriot songwriter intended.

Based on Canada’s track record of abuse and injustice towards many of its populace, it’s more appropriate for Canadians to be shouting No! Canada … or for them to be on guard, looking over their shoulders to see what their often-misguided Government is up to next.

What’s behind these seemingly shocking statements? Canada, under the guise of democracy, is perpetrating International Sovereignty rights abuses against some of its male citizens by having child support orders placed against them … fully knowing that these men are not the paternal parents of the children.

Further, these child support orders can be turned on and off at the whim of a Judge or Master. Not only that, but more than one male can be made to pay child support – the paternal father and SEVERAL stepfathers as the case may be -- if any of the stepfathers decide to separate or divorce. This is a clear abuse of an individual’s civil rights … and for that matter, it is unconstitutional. To have more than one individual, other than the natural father, pay child support is nothing more than a government-backed racket for women.

How can this occur? Canada's Constitution is not a single document as in the United States. It is made up of acts of the British and Canadian Parliaments, as well as legislation, judicial decisions, and agreements between the federal and provincial governments. Therefore, with this multilateral judicial framework, the Canadian government easily can abuse the civil rights of its populace.

Share Your Struggles

This site is dedicated to fighting child support orders placed against no parental individuals and abusive alimony payments not in conformity with reasonable regard for an individual’s ability to pay. This website was created to discuss and take international legal action against countries that allow lawmakers to abuse their powers. The editor of this site believes the world should know how Canada’s laws abuse the civil and human rights of many individuals.

It is also the intent of this website to list rights abuses by corporations. In addition, individual cases will be listed on this web site if information is available.

If you are experiencing or know of similar abuse, please contact the for possible posting of the information to this web site.

O Canada!: Violating the United Nations Declaration of Human Rights

Every day since its signing, Canada violates the human rights treaty agreement it signed at the United Nations. You don't have to go to Nicaragua or Uganda to see civil rights abuses … they occur every day in Canada … in particular, denying passports to males who refuse to pay child support for children that are not their paternal children.

See what Canada violates by reviewing the highlighted sections of the “UN Declaration of Human Rights” link above. Summarized here, key items include:

· Passport Seizure for nonpayment of child support …even when the children aren't your own.

· Social Security seizure for nonpayment of child support … even when the children aren't your own.

Only in Canada is child support for non-parental children forced onto males.

No Help from Hague

The Hague Conference on Private International Law -- at one time a bastion of protection for human and civil rights abuses -- will not review child support and family maintenance abuses by countries. Neither will the Supreme Court of the United States. Is this because those revered institutions know the abuses exist and they don’t want to find countries and themselves in contempt of civil rights? The only thing the Hague is interested in is how countries can enforce each others’ maintenance obligations. Does the end, in this case, justify the means? You decide … visit the Hague website at The Hague.

Illegal, Abusive, Court-Directed Power in Canada

Described in the link above is a perfect example of illegal, abusive, court-directed power: Justice Canada’s abuse with the help of the British Columbia courts. Justice Canada has changed what once was a democracy to a prime example of socialism or communism. Just because the system makes it legal does not necessarily make it moral!

A perfect example of constitutionality and civil rights abuses against a male in Canada is the case of JOANNE GRACE HILTON aka JOANNE GRACE KEDDY of Prince George, British Columbia, Canada … with the help of the British Columbia Supreme Court. In this case, a non-paternal parent is being persecuted internationally to support another man's child. In addition, the non-paternal parent also has had alimony imposed at a rate equivalent to five times more than he earned at the time of the judgment!

O Canada!: A Throwback to Totalitarianism

Not since 1935 and the Nazi regime of Adolf Hitler has a country created family laws in the name of justice that circumvent and give powers of Justice Canada to the provinces and then to government enforcement branches.

After creating these family laws, a Gestapo – also know as Family Maintenance Enforcement Program (FMEP) unit -- is formed, with unlimited powers to seize assets of private individuals without further hearing. These individuals are men that are not the paternal father of children, either by birth or through adoption. The actual father may be paying child support – as perhaps he should -- but a Judge or Master also can order the stepfather, or event stepfathers, to pay … and pay more than the paternal father!

All of the fancy words of constitutionality contained in Canada’s United Nations human rights treaty mean nothing to Justice Canada and its enforcement branches. Even the indirect threat of death is used by the enforcement branches in an attempt to collect child support for non-parental children. If an individual does this to another individual, it is called extortion. In Canada, however, it is legal if the government does it!

O Canada!: Wake Up

O Canada, wake up before it is too late … you have screamed of human rights abuses in Africa but in your own country you turn a deaf ear to similar misbehavior.

Justice Canada says it’s being done for the children but it appears to be more like a play for ultimate power OVER the people – as opposed to the more democratic “power TO the people” -- and nothing else.

Protect Yourself: Know Who You Are!

Both the Supreme Court and the Provincial (Family) Court can -- one might say WILL -- make orders for child support under the Family Relations Act of divorced or separated stepparents … whether these individuals were married or living common-law.

Definitions play an important role in determining eligibility and responsibility (so says Justice Canada) for child support under the Family Relations Act, just as they do under the Divorce Act. Section 88 of the Family Relations Act states that each parent of a child is responsible for the support of that child, and s. 1(1) defines a "child" and a "parent" as follows:

-- "Child" means a person under the age of 19 years
-- "Parent" includes:
-- (a) a guardian or guardian of the person of a child, or
-- (b) a stepparent of a child if
-- (i) the stepparent contributed to the support and maintenance of the child for at least one year.

Legal Racketeers

In addition to the potential to receive child support from multiple males – spouses and who knows how many ex-spouses -- the pay-per-child racket seems to be catching on even more these days!

The most recently elected Canadian Prime Minister, Stephen Harper, successfully ran on a political platform that included a Canadian federal government payment of $100 a month per child to mothers of children six years old or less. With this kind of incentive, can a population boom be far behind? Let potential spouses beware!

How Idiotic is Canadian Parliament and Legal system or the new social security for women only. "O Canada" please wake up before its to late. Click here to see.

SPOUSAL SUPPORT OR ALIMONY IN CANADA (The new social security for women only or why we hate men.)

Stats Canada's official view on child support for children of the marriage-non biological parents.

Subject: Child support orders against non biological fathers.

To whom it may concern at Stats Canada.

As you are aware Canada as most countries have child support orders that are issued by various court in Canada.

We are trying to establish a breakdown of those #'s by how many child support orders have been issued in Canada against non-biological parents, eg: children of the marriage- stepparents versus biological parents.

If this information is not disseminated or available can you advise as to why it isn't.


Thank you for contacting Statistics Canada.

In regard to your request on orders on children of the marriage-non biological fathers, we have contacted the division that oversees this subject matter and they have provided the following information:

"We have consulted our senior analyst for the Child Support and Maintenance Enforcement Survey and unfortunately, the our survey does not collect the variables - step parent, or biological parent. When a survey is being developed, consultations take place with all of our partners in the provinces and territories and set data requirements are established following these consultations. The step-parent or biological parent was not brought forth as a requirement in the provincial/territorial/federal consultations.

However, remains that some provinces might have a need for this type of info and will retain this variable and store the information while others may not have any need for this variable so it is not document nor stored electronically. Are you interested in a particular province, if so, we have the contact name of the Director of each provincial/territorial program which I can share with you. Please advise".

If you have any other questions, do not hesitate to contact us at info or at 1 800 263 1136.


Statistics Canada | Statistique Canada
National Contact Centre | Centre national de contact
Client Services Division | Division des services à la clientèle
R.H. Coats Building 1 W | Immeuble R.-H.-Coats 1 O
100 Tunney's Pasture Driveway | 100, promenade du Pré Tunney | Ottawa, ON, K1A 0T6
613-951-8116 | toll free/sans frais 1-800-263-1136 (Canada and/et USA)
facsimile / télécopieur 613-951-0581 or/ou 1-877-267-4369
TTY / ATS 800-363-7629
Government of Canada | Government du Canada

The names of individuals falsifying records and then perjuring themselves at FMEP of British Columbia are CATHI BASHI, Enforcement Manager, and DIANE COURSER, a commissioner for taking affidavits for the British Columbia FMEP. For the rest of the story, visit Illegal, Abusive, Court-Directed Power in Canada

Statistics Canada Child and Spousal Support:
Maintenance Enforcement Survey Statistics 2000-2005

This survey is so flawed and unrealistic that it only goes to show that a government such as Canada would create employment to prepare this type of report.

There are perhaps only a few interesting points that have come out of this survey and I will attempt to post them and some appropriate unanswered questions.

1) Of the 39,783 cases in British Columbia, 97% are male payers.
2) Of the 39,783 cases in British Columbia, only 3% are female payers.
3) Of the 39,783 cases in British Columbia, 1% are listed as “other”.

Unfortunately, after the above numbers, additional statistics mean less or are completely inaccurate in the report.

Of all the cases in British Columbia, 94% of the FMEP caseload involves children.

The question, then, is of all those cases how many are “children of the marriage” and not paternal children?

The next question is, how many males are paying child support for the same child?

There is also a major error Statistics Canada misreports. It states that British Columbia is an opt-in province for enforcement. This is incorrect. The truth is that if you receive any social assistance or the payer is in arrears, then you are automatically enrolled in FMEP enforcement cases in British Columbia.

Statistics Canada, as usual, produces useless and incorrect information.

Question: How many of the child support cases handled by FMEP are for children that have more than one order against a male for payment of child support? In Canada, many men have and will be court-ordered to pay child support for the same child whether the paternal parent or not. So again, the statistics are skewed. Naturally, Canada will not divulge this information for fear of having the United Nations review them for human rights abuses on the issue.

It is the Editor’s opinion that ordering a nonpaternal parent, as well as the paternal parent, to pay child support at the same time is illegal and a direct violation of civil and human rights.

Can this happen in the USA? Can Child support be ordered against a non-biological father in the US? Well click here to find out how this nightmare is starting to unravel even in the US.

Remember the intentions may be good but the fallout will eventually allow for child support scams against men in the US as is the case in Canada.

To contribute to or comment about the content of this site, contact the editor at

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