Family Maintenance Enforcement Program, FMEP of British Columbia, Canada
FMEP is a third party interloper debt collector, an extortion racket that is ripping away human rights from the majority of males that are involved.
The majorities that are enrolled into these types of programs have no say and are contracted in without CONSENT.
The bases to any payment program are a statute or act that many provincial courts act upon, but yet, there has been no consent prior to adjudication for any action(s) to commence.
Easy terms to remember for court actions to commence:
Civil Action = Breach of contract – None Exist in the majority of cases.
Criminal Action = Injured Party – There is no injury here, it has to bodily harm.
Now where does this child support payment come in, criminal or civil ?
Is this a democracy or dictatorship ? Based on the above information I just mentioned, what do you think ?
Now if I tell you that you owe me $100 and there is no contract in place, how can you enforce that ?
Yet it happens all the time, without contracts and without consent.
I'm not saying parents of a separation or divorce should not take care of their children, but it is a private affair.
Why should children of a divorced marriage have more than children of a so called intact family unit ?
Let me explain, it is happening, and has been happening for so many years. The woman (which is about 98 % of the time) of a divorced will have primary residence and the non custodial parent is granted access. The woman is allowed to go out and get work and make a certain amount of income, entitled to benefits, tax breaks , collects child support that is not taxable, getting remarried and having another contributor.
So he/she makes a good income, the non custodial parent makes ok “money” and has to pay into the pot of the custodial parent.
Custodial parent = Income 40k per year
Non Custodial parent = 40k per year
Custodial parent = 40k per year plus let say $370.00 per month per child, annual income now is 44,440k per year, and entitled to relief. The consideration of a new contributor is never taking into account. Take into consideration, when married, the mother may be a stay at home Mom and the annual income for the family would have been only 40k per year.
Non Custodial parent = 40kper year minus 4,440k per year = 35,560k per year, not entitled to relief.
Do those numbers make any sense ? And they call it a monthly award, so does the government encourage separation or divorce? Because it seems that way to me, they get an award if they get a divorce. Check the child support guidelines online, yes this may seem a play on words, but isn’t everything a PLAY on words.
Also, the non custodial parent only has "access", what is that ? The non custodial parent has now become a visitor in their child’s life ?
The non custodial parent has a right (100%) to their child, and there should be no adjudication from a private corporation that called themselves PROVINCIAL COURT doing business in Canada.
Yes that is correct, the law society and Provincial courts are a private organization forcing business onto citizens or “persons”. Park your vehicle in front of a court house one day and check out the times of operation, probably would say Monday to Friday from 9:00am to 4:00pm, a business, YES.
Why does this so called society have its own dictionary, and why must you hire a lawyer to decipher it ?
The meanings in their dictionary are not on par with a normal English dictionary. They have purposely created this book to have its own meaning which may look to be the same word, but not have the same meaning.
Look up the legal definition of “person” then tell me if that is what you are, a corporation ?
Are we actually basing anything on LAW, and who’s law is it anyway ? The court system is basing decisions on opinions, and opinions of people doing business as the legislative body. They are making this decision by gaining jurisdiction in a deceptive way.
Yet if you check the criminal code closely, you will see a few sections in there that can rectify these issues, yet, the system will not even recognize their own rules or obey them. I will not get into specific sections of the criminal code that is a whole other topic.
Now, get behind on your “payments” and you are in a world of trouble, drivers licenses suspended, passports revoked, jail time and many other wonderful things. This is cruel and unusual punishment, and for what ? MONEY ? I call it another form of slavery !!!
Several things happen when you fall into a so called category of “dead beat parent”:
1. You either run, which causes you to lose contact with your child, and for what ? The fear of being put in jail. This one comes under section 279 of the criminal code forcible confinement against the persons will. What more is there to say ?
2. You try to make up the “payments” by getting another job, now having even less time with your children or your new family, you basically burn out.
3. You try to negotiate with the non negotiators (FMEP), which leads to more stress.
4. Many men will not come forward for the fear of being called “dead beat” thus putting a strain on their mental health.
5. Forced to take public transit, but if you are self employed, it is impossible to take your tools on public transit.
6. Your credit report gets destroyed.
7. Not entitled to go on vacation, and how could the non custodial parent have a vacation anymore, unless he/she is rich. Does not help getting your passport revoked.
8. You lose your job because of emotional stress.
9. There is an increase in male suicide, out of desperation. Many say men have no emotions when it comes to certain things, so why an increase in suicide ?
There is much more, but the media only exposes what others will see as being unfair to a child or making the non custodial parent look bad to create hatred amongst ourselves. You see this all the time, and now steps in the Attorney General to be the hero in these situations, getting tough on Dead beat parents, everyone laps it up, pathetic we are. If the media is controlled by corporations and if the media can expose issues that will keep the eyes off the corporations so the corporations can gain control and have their way, then they will do it, and are doing it. The children are being used as pawns to exploit humans, fashion, life styles the food they eat, you name it, it is a big target for the media, so why not USE them, just like in our judicial system.
It is stressful enough going through a separation or divorce and trying to start over, and providing for your child, which, if living with the custodial parent has food, a roof over their head and clothing already. Yet the non custodial parent has to sacrifice his/her life to support him/her and pay on top of it. Heaven forbid the non custodial parent gets into a new relationship, so now he/she has to support 2 families.
There are many issues to be dealt with, when you are being deceived right in front of your eyes. Once again, that would be a topic all on its own, to really show Canadians why and how they have been mislead on purpose.
So you see, it is not just about child support, it is about the so called system that its primary goal was to serve and protect. I see none of this happening, only to charge and administer force against a person’s for the purpose of collecting money or control.
Is this how humans were intended to live their lives, under the control of another ?
The government or the system is telling everyone that they are not competent to handle their own affairs, yet clearly many do have the capability to handle their own affairs, PRIVATELY.
The only OBLIGATION you have to your CHILD is to be in his or her life and make sound decisions as a parent that could affect their future and to make sure their needs are met.
Yours Truly,
Remaining anonymous for now ,
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