Thursday, October 21, 2010

Loosing my house and my life...

Why is the family legal system so messed up in BC? I understand that being a judge is not easy but set a system up to get facts and truths not lies and fabricated stories or adversarial as seem to be acceptable these days. How is it that a person who enters a relationship can verbally, mentally and physically abuse everybody in the family except for her golden child, cheat throughout the entire relationship on top of taking advantage of all that living with this partner had to offer, work if they wanted to, go to college "just for information" not for a career, then leave after the golden child gets drunk/stoned and threatens to kill all the kids in the house have so much power in court and ability to manipulate the legal aid system to destroy everything that was built for the "family" and leave those left behind basically broke, and lost? To make matters worse I found out Oct, 19 that my house that I have lived in since 1997 was being sold without notice to me, and I am to be out by Oct 22. Is this fair or just?

Lost and now homeless in Kamloops

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