Thursday, October 21, 2010

BC Family law does not give a damn about family, its a $1billion a year business

Canada Fathers Any advice to save my house? I only found out Oct. 19, 2010 that my ex had sold my house and I was to be out buy the end of today, but I was never served or told by anyone, infact the person who told me was told explicitly not to tell me, so yesterday I went to the courthouse to file either a lien or a subject to litigation order only to find out that a judge had already approved the sale last friday. So i talked to a duty council who gave me the proceedure to to follow (an order w/o notice (F29), a request to a stay (F31) and affidavit stating I was not served, and that they sold the house for much less than I offered, and property value my kid is in depression because of this, etc. I then asked the duty council and court registry if anything else needed to be done and the all believed it was all in order and good. I show up in court today only to have the judge reprimand me and refuse to hear me because I did not serve the other party. Is there anything I can do?

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