Thursday, March 1, 2012

Grass Roots Group’s Goal is to Change Family Law

Grass Roots Group’s Goal is to Change Family Law
Concerned citizens in Sarnia, Ontario banded together last summer to form “Canadians For Family Law Reform”, after years of frustration with Canada’s family law justice system. Beginning with a core group of nine members, the organization continues to grow as it raises its profile in Sarnia.

The CFLR organized a public rally last month in front of the Sarnia Courthouse where 50 members converged with signs to picket throughout the day. The group also picketed outside the office of one of Sarnia’s family law lawyers, referring to him as a “poster boy for what is wrong in family law”. This unnamed lawyer allegedly has the largest family law case load in the city and it was reported that on one day in court he was counsel in 37 of 39 family law cases being heard.

Some of the reforms sought by CFLR include:
1. Simplification of the court process;
2. More expedient decisions from judges;
3. Deterring lawyers from overbilling;
4. Eliminating conflicts of interest where lawyers and judges are closely connected;
5. Avoiding the tendency to push proceedings into higher courts;
6. Stopping lawyers from creating hostilities where none exist;
7. Addressing the practice of adjourning cases for months or years.

The group will rally again on February 16, 2012 at the Sarnia courthouse and hold a candlelight vigil on February 20, 2010 to commemorate “the tragic death of families due to an antagonistic family legal system”. Check out their Facebook page for other events.

Lawdiva aka Georgialee Lang

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